Adult Attention Deficit Disorder Evaluation
Many adults have undiagnosed attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). These people often:
Forget the task at hand
Tend to misplace items, only to find them later in strange places
Notice their attention wanders during conversation
Blame themselves for being disorganized or overwhelmed when given specific directions
May have experienced a tendency to ‘space out’ for years
If three or more of these experiences sound familiar, ADHD may be at play.
It’s possible to regain proficiency in areas where a person feels inadequate or ashamed for ‘not keeping up,’ ‘not paying attention’ or ‘being unaware of what is expected.’ Medication and/or short-term counseling can help. The first step is a professional diagnosis.
Mary M. Lorton, Ph.D., specializes in adult ADHD evaluations. To gain a comprehensive understanding, she utilizes:
Adult ADHD-RS-IV with Adult Prompts
Beck Anxiety Inventory
Compassion Scale
Mental health status
These assessments enable Dr. Lorton to assess adults for ADHD. To learn more, contact her today.